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Award Winners

Best Derivatives Providers: Europe

WINNERS: EUROPE Best Commodity Derivatives Provider Morgan Stanley Despite attempts by competitors to nibble at its market share when commodities prices were soaring in 2009, Morgan Stanley has maintained its dominant position in commodities derivatives in Europe thanks to ...

Award Winners

Best Derivatives Providers: Exchanges

WINNERS: EXCHANGES Achievement Award ICE Long before derivatives reform was on the regulatory agenda, the Intercontinental Exchange in Atlanta was well on the way to achieving what regulators hope to accomplish with new rules—an unprecedented level of transparency in ...

Award Winners

Best Derivatives Providers: Latin America

WINNERS: LATIN AMERICA Best Derivatives Provider Société Générale Few other banks can claim as vast and deep a reach across the fragmented continent of Latin America—and across all classes of financial derivatives—as Société Générale. This is partly a function ...

Award Winners

Best Derivatives Providers: Middle East

WINNERS: MIDDLE EAST Best Derivatives Provider HSBC HSBC has become the preferred derivatives dealer in the Middle East, which endured an even more pronounced credit crunch than other regions. The bank took clients away from Standard Chartered, the only ...

Award Winners

Best Derivatives Providers: North America

WINNERS: NORTH AMERICA Best Commodity Derivatives Provider Goldman Sachs In the wake of the credit crunch in 2007 and the stock market crash of 2008, hundreds of billions of dollars poured out of stocks and bonds and into commodities, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

BNY Mellon Signs Pacts In Shanghai, Singapore

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt BNY Mellon is helping to bring American depositary receipts (ADRs) to Singapore and exchange-trade funds (ETFs) based on its DR indexes to Shanghai. This will provide access for local investors ...


Burma: Elections Offer Few Answers

MILESTONES: BURMA By Thomas Clouse Suu kyi: Free at last Burma held its first election in two decades in early November. The winners of the election will take control of the government from the military, which has ruled ...


Canada: Potash Snub Stirs Protectionist Fears

MILESTONES: CANADA By Denise Bedell Harper: Potash decision prompts concerns When Canada's government blocked Australian mining firm BHP Billiton's $39 billion bid for fertilizer giant Potash of Saskatchewan, it did more than put a dent in the Canadian ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: Africa

COVER STORY: SEA CHANGE By Jonathan Gregson Africa's economic prospects have never been better. Fifty years after British prime minister Harold Macmillan spoke of a wind of change sweeping across the African continent, the sort of development ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: Asia

COVER STORY: IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT By Anita Hawser Emerging Asia has consolidated its role as the most powerful engine of global economic recovery—but threats to the region's growing prosperity remain. The first thing British prime minister ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: CEE

COVER STORY: HARD TIMES By Justin Keay A sustainable recovery remains as elusive as ever for many of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall and the demise of the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: Latin America

COVER STORY: MUTUAL BENEFITS By Antonio Guerrero Latin America is enjoying growing prosperity as the region develops ever-stronger economic ties with Asia. When Chinese President Hu Jintao took his first tour of Latin America in 2004, he ...