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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Braced For Global Slowdown

CHINA     Chinese authorities in infrastructure spending spree to stimulate economy. China will spend 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) over the next two years on infrastructure and social welfare projects, the country’s State Council announced on November 9. Policymakers ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Colombian Cement Maker Starts Level I Adr Program

DR NEWS     Cementos Argos, the fifth-largest cement producer in Latin America, began trading its shares in the US over-the-counter market in the form of American depositary receipts. The Medellín, Colombia-based company makes white and gray cement, as well ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Crisis Starts To Bite Harder

AFRICA     Manuel: Rand's slide will help the country balance its books. Johannesburg-based AngloGold Ashanti, Africa’s largest gold producer, hopes to refinance a $1 billion convertible bond before Christmas, despite current market conditions that have all but closed the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Dubai Exchange To Boost Local Trading

MIDDLE EAST     Dubai's International Financial Exchange: Simplifying access. In an effort to stimulate more trading by local investors, the Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX) is now allowing companies to list, trade and clear in UAE dirhams, as well ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Employment Market Shrugs Off Global Downturn

INDIA     Boom from bust: State Bank of India is taking on more staff as business builds strongly. India’s job market appears to have escaped unscathed in the global wave of retrenchment. There were concerns that the outsourcing industry ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : IMF And Fed Fail To Stem Asset Flight

NEWS     The International Monetary Fund’s new short-term lending program and Federal Reserve swap lines could help ease currency and interest rate pressures in eligible emerging market countries but may be no panacea for the exodus of private funds ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Medvedev’s Troubles Set Stage For Putin’s Return

RUSSIA     Medvedev: Struggling through a turbulent first year in office. The Russian government is struggling to contain a rapidly unfolding and sharply accelerating economic crisis. The ruble has continued to slide—the currency has devalued 10% against the dollar ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Tiger Brands/South Africa – Tiger Brands Pounces In Kenya

COMPANY TO WATCH: TIGER BRANDS/SOUTH AFRICA     Tiger Brands, South Africa’s biggest food producer, is expanding internationally, particularly in Africa and primarily through acquisitions. The company recently completed the purchase of a controlling interest in HACO Industries, a Kenya-based ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : An Uphill Battle

AFRICA Regional trading groups are struggling to boost intra-regional trade flows in sub-Saharan Africa.   Illicit trade continues to flourish in Southern Africa, with smuggled goods totaling an estimated $50 billion a year. Fears of a global recession and a ...

Award Winners

Features : Banking On Innovation

BEST INTERNET BANKS 2008 In the second of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the best corporate/institutional and consumer Internet banks globally and in six regions.         These are tough times for banks to focus on Internet ...


Features : Best Laid Plans

MIDDLE EAST Determined to avoid repeating past mistakes, oil-rich nations in the Middle East have worked hard to diversify their economies. So far they have fared well, but pitfalls remain.   Oil is integral to the Middle East's economic fortunes, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Brazil Points The Way

LATIN AMERICA President Lula’s bold program of social and economic reform has become a model for economies in Latin America and beyond.   Under Lula, Brasilia has focused on growing the economy in a way that benefits people at all ...