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Country Report

Country Report: Portugal

Light At The End Of The Tunnel By Vanessa Drucker Portugal’s new political leaders have a plan to dig their country out of its deep fiscal hole. Portugal is about to receive a dose of strong medicine. ...


Domestic Group Makes Move To Buy Canadian Exchanges

MILESTONES / CANADA by Erik Heinrich Near-monopoly: Bid faces antitrust scrutiny The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has been stymied in its attempt to take over Canada’s TMX Group, parent of the Toronto and Montreal exchanges and the TSX ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

India: Tata Steel Sells Assets

EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP: INDIA by Aaron Chaze Tata Steel: Trimming debt In an attempt to trim its debt, India’s largest steel producer, Tata Steel, is to sell its 26.3% stake in Riversdale Mining, the Australian Stock Exchange–listed coal ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia: Tensions Between Leadership Duo

EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP: RUSSIA by Kim Iskyan Medvedev and Putin go head to head During his June 17 speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russia’s version of Davos, president Dmitry Medvedev highlighted his reformist stance ...

Award Winners

Islamic Bank Awards 2011: By Country

Country Awards Algeria Al Salam Bank-Algeria Al Salam Bank-Algeria was established in October 2008 with capital of $100 million. New rules on Islamic banking in Algeria became effective in January 2011 and are expected to promote the growth of the ...

Award Winners

Islamic Bank Awards 2011: By Region

Regional Awards Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Kuwait Finance House Kuwait Finance House was the first Islamic bank established in Kuwait. It is now a market leader in the GCC and beyond, offering a wide range of shariah-compliant products. KFH has ...

Award Winners

Islamic Bank Awards 2011: Overall Awards

Overall Awards Best Sukuk Bank CIMB Islamic Malaysia-based CIMB Islamic has been the top sukuk underwriter for each of the past four years. In 2010 it boosted its leading global market share to 23%, largely on the strength of Malaysian ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Martelly Counts On Foreign Investment To Rebuild

NEWSMAKERS: HAITI By Antonio Guerrero Haiti’s president Michel Martelly, who took office on May 14, has the unenviable task of rebuilding Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake that killed nearly 300,000 and left some one million people homeless. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Multilatinas Extend Reach Into Developed Markets

MILESTONES: LATIN AMERICA By Antonio Guerrero While Latin America led the world in FDI growth last year, the region’s companies also forged ahead with an aggressive international expansion drive. Drive thru: Latin America buys up US brand ...