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Emerging & Frontier Markets
Africa: Chad’s Pipeline Dreams
EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP By Antonio Guerrero Despite declining oil output levels in recent years, Chad is expecting to triple production...

Brazils next Central Banker?
The bank's chief economist believes Brazil is more vulnerable to QE III's eventual end than other countries in Latin America.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
BRICs Sink In Change Ranking
MILESTONES By Paula L Green It doesn’t seem to matter how rich a country may be. Or the number of...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
China: A Man, A Plan, A Canal
NEWSMAKERS By Erik Heinrich Wang Jing is a man who likes to think bighis is the kind of grandiose thinking...

Cover Story: Chinas Third Revolution
WHAT SECTORS WILL GAIN? By Arthur Clennam With its new leadership, China is changing. And with transformation comes opportunity. Reform...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Foreign Exchange 2013: Corporate FX Technology
VOLATILE TIMES: GETTING A GRIP ON RISK By Rob Daly Corporate treasurers now have ever-more-sophisticated tools to help get a handle on currency exposures and manage increasingly volatile FX market risk. It has been interesting times for currency exchange rates, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Frontier Markets Report: Croatia
WAITING IN THE WINGS By Dan Keeler Croatia hopes its membership in the EU will help it diversify and deepen its economy, but it could take some time for that to materialize. Croatia joined the European Union in July this ...

India: New Central Bank Governor Zigs
EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP By Aaron Chaze Amid what is being regarded as Indias worst financial crisis in more than a decadewith the currency having plunged 15.9% against the US dollar in the third quarter, GDP growth at 4.4% in the ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation
Italy: Will Letta Get The Boot?
NEWSMAKERS By Valentina Pasquali Against all odds, a broad-based coalition of the center-left and the center-right remains at the helm...

Economics, Policy & Regulation
Japan: Big Hike In Sales Tax Coming
MILESTONES By Tom Clouse Japan will increase its sales tax next year for the first time in more than 15...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Latin America: Dark Days
REGIONAL REPORT: ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE By Antonio Guerrero Vast investments in energy infrastructure are needed in the region not only to bring more of the current population onto the grid, but also to ensure that capacity meets demand, going forward. When ...