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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Company to Watch: ŞIŞECAM / Turkey

TURKEY’S LEADING GLASSMAKER EXPANDS ABROAD By Gordon Platt Glassmaker iecam has a near monopoly on the glass market in Turkey, where it operates a chain of retail outlets for its Paabahçe brand of glassware, and where its flat-glass output ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Country Report: Turkey

GREAT EXPECTATIONS By Justin Keay The government has lofty aspirations for Turkish growth, but reform and demographic development are necessary for the nation’s economy to reach its potential. The coming year could be a good one for ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2012: Middle East

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt MIDDLE EAST The oil-exporting countries of the Middle East are enjoying strong economic growth, whereas countries that experienced political uprisings during the Arab Spring of 2011 are struggling to get back ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2012: Country Awards

By Michael Shari COUNTRY AWARDS - NORTH AMERICA CANADA BMO Capital Markets Thanks to its strength in mining and energy, BMO Capital Markets commanded a 20.1% share of Canada’s M&A market last year. That was more than any other bank, comprising ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Annual Supplement: Middle East 2012

CHANGE IS IN THE AIR As one drives into Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian capital, on King Khalid International Airport Road, a symbol of change appears suddenly through the window after miles of desert. It is the enormous campus of ...

Award Winners

Awards: Best Investment Banks 2012

ANNUAL SURVEY AND AWARDS— REDEFINING SUCCESS By Michael Shari Global investment banks and strong local banks make the list in our annual awards. For an investment bank, success has long been defined as staying true to one’s ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East 2012: Economies In Transition

SHIFTING SANDS By Gordon Platt Extraordinary changes are occurring in the Middle East in the aftermath of the Arab Spring uprisings. New economic models—and new opportunities for foreign investors—are developing. But the potential for great reward comes with ...


Middle East 2012: Levantine Banks

THE LEVANT BANKS ON STABILITY By Gordon Platt Caution and conservative growth are the key goals of Levantine economies. The resource-poor countries of the Levant have been trying to promote open markets, free trade and labor mobility ...

Award Winners

Best Banks For Cash Management

By Anita Hawser BEST BANK FOR CASH MANAGEMENT—GLOBAL WINNER Citi Citi has a strong track record of managing complex global mandates, which plays to its strengths and presence across hundreds of countries and currencies. It boasts an impressive client list ...

Award Winners

Best Banks For Payments And Collections

By Anita Hawser BEST BANK FOR PAYMENTS AND COLLECTIONS NORTH AMERICA Wells Fargo As a leading Automated Clearing House originator and receiver, Wells Fargo has played an integral role in helping companies make the move from paper-based payments to ACH. ...