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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Rousseff Declares 2012 A New Era Of Prosperity For Brazil

NEWSMAKERS: BRAZIL By Antonio Guerrero Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, a former technocrat and Marxist activist, completed her first year in office on January 1 with a 72% approval rating. Rousseff: A pragmatist with no tolerance for corruption ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia’s 18-Year Odyssey To Join The WTO Finally At An End

MILESTONES: RUSSIA By Kim Iskyan While attention in December was mostly focused on the evolving political environment in Russia, a major economic milestone was achieved on December 16, when the World Trade Organization formally accepted the country as ...


AT&T Won’t Hang Up On T-Mobile

MILESTONES: US/GERMANY By Gordon Platt Facing a $4 billion breakup fee, AT&T is working hard to make its proposed merger with T-Mobile a reality, despite regulatory stumbling blocks. Deal to create the largest US wireless carrier is in ...


Barney Frank Says Farewell To Congress

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Paula Green Will Wall Street miss US Congressman Barney Frank, the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) and architect of the 2010 legislation aiming to avert another global financial disaster? Frank ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Deep Freeze On IMF Lending To Ukraine

MILESTONES: UKRAINE By Kim Iskyan The IMF’s $15 billion loan program to Ukraine looks increasingly likely to be suspended at least until parliamentary elections in October 2012, following an early November visit by the IMF that ended without recommending the resumption ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Salon

WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY By Matt Greco Global Finance sat down with Martin Fridson, high-yield market specialist and global credit strategist at BNP Paribas Asset Management, in early December to get his take on US and global debt markets ...


Mistry To Take The Helm At Tata Sons

NEWSMAKERS: INDIA By Aaron Chaze After two decades leading India’s largest and most respected conglomerate, Ratan Tata will step down in December 2012 as chairman of Tata Sons—the holding company that runs the $83 billion Tata group of companies, with ...


Rajoy Hopes To Reassure Investors In Spain

NEWSMAKERS: SPAIN By Valentina Pasquali Like Greece and Italy, Spain too has a new government, tasked with bringing the country back from the brink. Rajoy heads new government Unlike Greece’s Lucas Papademos and Italy’s Mario Monti, Spain’s prime ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Resource-Rich Myanmar Open For Investment

MILESTONES: MYANMAR By Thomas Clouse Preparing to chair the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2014, Myanmar is also opening its doors to foreign investment. A new dawn breaks in Myanmar, which is open for business Leaders from ASEAN’s ...


Sanusi Fears Impact Of European Crisis

NEWSMAKERS: NIGERIA By Anita Hawser Nigerian central bank governor Lamido Sanusi believes the likelihood of European banks going into a major crisis is quite high, and is concerned over the impact on Nigerian oil exports. Sanusi looks to Asia ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Seeking Alternatives

COVER STORY: ALTERNATIVE FINANCING By Laurence Neville Small and medium-size companies are vital to economic growth and critical to corporate supply chains. Yet traditional lending is virtually closed to SMEs in most markets—certainly in developed markets of the West. ...


Toronto To Overtake London As A Hub For Bankers

MILESTONES: TORONTO By Erik Heinrich Canada’s financial capital is on track to become one of the largest global banking centers—overtaking London in the number of banking jobs by 2017, according to Moody’s Analytics. Toronto to overtake London in banking ...