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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Newsmakers : Soros Seeks To Tame Counterparty Risk

UNITED STATES       George Soros: The "scariest" part of the current turmoil is CDSs. George Soros, founder and chairman of Soros Fund Management, warned the World Economic Forum in Davos in January that the world is facing its ...


Milestones : Shekel To Become Fully Convertible

Israel     All change: Israel’s currency is set to take its place in the world markets. The Bank of Israel has joined the New York-based CLS (Continuous Linked Settlement) Bank (a multi-currency bank supervised by the US Federal Reserve ...


Newsmakers : Ackermann Proposes Global Overseer

  Germany       Ackermann: Global watchdog could prevent market bubbles Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann suggests that creating a global financial sector watchdog could prevent an encore of the global market storm unleashed by the US subprime crisis. ...


Newsmakers : Airline Aims To Make Friends In High Places

Germany       Hunt: Legacy airlines lock in customers with "bribery" In a move that is clearly aimed at drumming up corporate business, upstart UK-based business-class-only airline Silverjet has rolled out an innovative loyalty program that takes the benefits ...


Milestones : Profits Of Doom: Exxon Mobil Causes Uproar

UNITED STATES     Gas complaint: Exxon Mobil says growing consumption is pumping up its profits. A long-simmering debate boiled over last month after Exxon Mobil reported the highest earnings ever by an American corporation, topping its own record set ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Taxing Times For A New President

GUATEMALA     Colom: Facing challenges on the fiscal front. Just weeks after being sworn in on January 14 as the new Guatemalan president, Álvaro Colom—the Central American country’s first left-of-center leader since Jacobo Árbenz, who was overthrown in a ...


Newsmakers : US CEOs May Face Euro-Style Packages

UNITED STATES / EUROPE     With corporate fat cats’ earnings increasingly in the spotlight, particularly in these credit-challenged times, it appears that CEO remuneration packages vary markedly depending on which side of the pond they are on. According to ...


Editor’s Letter: Clamorix for a fix

The story everyone thought would be old news by last November rumbled on through January as more giant US banks fessed up to having shockingly large losses as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis...