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Newsmakers : Offshoring Industry Faces New Opponent: Its Clients

UNITED KINGDOM/UNITED STATES     Divett: Offshoring IT involves hidden costs. Offshoring information technology services is an emotive subject that incites mixed responses from most companies. Although Wall Street financial firms were among the early adopters of outsourcing, sending their ...


Newsmakers : US Shouldn’t Take Its Aaa Rating For Granted

UNITED STATES     Nikola Swann: External imbalances put the dollar at risk of ratings downgrade. Standard & Poor’s credit analyst Nikola Swann says the dollar’s preeminent role in the world cannot be taken for granted. The greenback is still ...


Newsmakers : The Maestro Strikes A Chord

UNITED STATES     Alan Greenspan: Introducing his own turbulence to the markets. Talk about good timing. Alan Greenspan’s memoirs, entitled The Age of Turbulence, topped the bestseller list at last month as volatility continued to rattle global financial ...


Newsmakers : ‘Helicopter Ben’ Refuses To Panic

United states     Bernanke under pressure as he fends off calls for a rate cut. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke didn’t exactly call out the helicopters and dump bundles of money on Wall Street last month to keep the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones : Future Of Terrorism Insurance Hangs In The Balance

United states     Most companies take out some form of professional indemnity, liability and business insurance, but the latest addition to companies’ insurance portfolios is property terrorism insurance. Such products are becoming increasingly prevalent among larger to mid-size US ...


Newsmakers : Corporate Fraud On The Rise Despite Sox

United states     Patrick Taylor: No "perfect solution" for fraud prevention Five years ago, in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom scandals, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) was enacted to prevent financial fraud. However, a recent survey of more than 80 ...