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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Swiss To Vote On Reclaiming Fiat Power

As many countries move to become cashless societies, Switzerland will vote on whether their central bank should be the only institution capable of creating money.


New German Finance Minister Might End Euro-Austerity

Olaf Scholz’s spending policies and his Social Democratic Party'scriticism of Angela Merkel's ‘forced austerity’could lead to higher spending, a reduction of Germany’s historical surplus and the risk of inflation.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Worst-Case Brexit Could Cost UK $65 Billion

According to a Cambridge Econometrics report a “hard Brexit,” in which the country would leave both the EU customs union and the single market, could cost the UK almost half a million jobs and about $64.7 billion in investment by 2030.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

French President Macron Takes Diplomatic Lead

The UK’s decision to leave the EU and the dwindling strength of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who saw her party diminished in Germany’s recent federal elections, have given Macron a rare chance to bolster French influence.


Countries With Most FDI In 2018

Overall global FDIdeclined last yearwith developed economies seeinga decrease in flows even asdeveloping economies saw an increase.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Lego Expects More Profit After IP Win In China

An intellectual property (IP) rights’ victory in China for the Danish toymakerwill also give comfort to other Western consumer-goods companies struggling with similar issues.