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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


TECHNOLOGY | CORPORATE CONNECTIVITY<br /> Corporates and their banking partners still often speak different digital languages, but new initiatives by SWIFT and SAP should make connectivity easier. And increasing competition will be a good thing for corporates, sparking innovation and driving down costs.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


COVER STORY: CRYPTOCURRENCIES<br /> Still in their infancy, cryptocurrencies could change the way that companies manage payments for the goods and services that are the essence of global trade. As the bitcoin surge picks up momentum, corporate financial executives are wondering what it means for their business and how they can manage the risk of adopting—or not adopting—digital currencies.

Economics, Policy & Regulation


Indeed, there are those who think that the IP wars will continue to have no clear resolution or winners. The only real beneficiaries: lawyers. But commentators such as Bruce Berman argue that unless and until we can quickly sort out the real issues in the IP imbroglio, almost everyone –even the patent trolls – will lose out.



Corporate banking has always lagged the retail sector when it comes to the adoption of digital technologies, but mobile-banking services are gathering pace—and some visionaries are even contemplating banking services based on wearable technologies.


Real-time Payments in the US: Will It Take Two Years Or Ten Years ?

<span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;">While US policymakers arecalling for a real-time payments system to be in place within a decade</span><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;">, payments execs think it could be achieved in just two years.</span>

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Equity: Biotech Drives Us Ipo Boom

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt Healthcare companies accounted for more than half of all initial public offerings filed in the US in the first two months of 2014, in a boom fueled by biotech companies, according to ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risk Management: Cyberrisk Insurance

CYBER SAVOIR FAIRE By Paula L. Green Regulation is still struggling to keep up with rapidly evolving cyberrisks but is...

Award Winners

World’s Best Treasury & Cash Management Providers 2014

GOLD STANDARD By Rebecca Brace and Anita Hawser Global Finance presents the winners of its annual Best Treasury & Cash Management Providers awards. Global multinational corporates may have come out of the 2008 global financial crisis better off than the ...


Polls & Stats: The Wireless Economy In Ascendance

“The Internet has now transformed from a useful platform to an essential and multidimensional infrastructure that needs to be kept open and decentralized in order to enable communication, collaboration, innovation, inclusive participation and economic growth... The Internet economy has now ...