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Country Report

Features : Power Play

COUNTRY REPORT / RUSSIA Having hand picked his successor as Russian president, Vladimir Putin has assured the country there will be a smooth transition of power. How much power he will retain remains in question.   Oil has filled Russia's ...

Country Report

Features: Storm Clouds And Silver Linings

<p>CANADA When Canada’s dollar reached parity with the US dollar, it was cause for national celebration. For the country’s corporations, still reeling from the credit crunch, the muscular currency is a very mixed blessing.         In recent ...</p>

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Investors Line Up For A Scalping

Nicaragua     Guevara: Deal will put an end to lawsuits. When Nicaragua offered commercial creditors a 95.5% haircut on $1.4 billion in commercial debt as part of a workout, the deal appeared to be more of a scalping. Yet ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Lima Launches Rmbs Market

Peru     Lessons learned? Investors will be looking closely at the assets behind Peru’s mortgage-backed securities. While most global markets are seeking to shield themselves from shockwaves emanating from the US subprime home loan and residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Palestinians Prepare For Statehood

Palestinian Territories     After decades of war, Palestinians are trying to revive a flagging economy. While media attention is focused on the attempts to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, work has been quietly going on ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Funds Make Hay In Frothy Market

BRAZIL       The good times roll: Brazil's economy provides plenty of reasons to celebrate. Brazil-focused hedge funds continued to outperform other emerging market funds, producing an average 5.11% return in October, for a hefty 29.47% year-to-date (YTD) gain. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Plus Ça Change…

RUSSIA       Putin: Backing his friend Dmitry Medvedev's election bid. As widely anticipated, Russian president Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party won the country’s parliamentary elections on December 2, with 63% of the vote. In the weeks running up ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Road Spending Moves Into A Higher Gear

    INDIA       Hold-up: Aging roads are hindering Indias growth. Twenty leading global and Indian infrastructure construction companies are bidding for the contract to build a $10 billion eight-lane expressway in the northern Indian state of Uttar ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Tensions Rise With The United States

CHINA       Hong Kong: Focus of tension with the US. China stoked military tension with the United States by denying entry to a number of US naval vessels looking to dock in Hong Kong. In the most publicized ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : A Mission To India

HEALTHCARE CHARITY Global Finance charity partner Amrit Davaa spent two weeks in India providing healthcare to children at a remote orphanage and to locals. Editor Dan Keeler accompanied the medical team on its mission.     Dr Becki Giusti checks ...

Country Report

Features : Country Report: Iceland

EXPANDING HORIZONS ICELAND Iceland is going all out to expand its economy—and the global reach of its banks and corporations.     With a wealthy consumer base that has the sixth-highest per capita GDP in the OECD, 0.8% unemployment, negligible ...