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Newsmakers: Economic Gloom Deepens As Honduras Crisis Continues

Honduras Antonio Guerrero Zelaya: Garnering interna tional supprt After Honduran soldiers stormed leftist president Manuel Zelaya’s home in June and he fled into exile, many speculated the Central American nation’s economy was poised for growth. After all, Zelaya ...


Newsmakers: Potential Lula Successor Clears Legal Hurdle

Brazil Antonio Guerrero Palocci: Stillfacing more corruption allegatio ns Former Brazilian finance minister Antonio Palocci has won a political victory after the country‘s Supreme Court dismissed charges that he violated bank secrecy laws. The ruling could put Palocci, ...


Newsmakers: UK Regulator Lashes Out At Bankers

United Kingdom Justin Keay Turner: City of London engages in “socially useless activity” A year has passed since the near implosion of the world’s financial system, and intelligent opinion in Britain remains divided between those wanting the City ...


Editor’s Letter: Out Of The Woods?

It is entirely fitting that 2009, the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Charles Darwins On the Origin of Species, should turn out to be a particularly Darwinian year...


Newsmakers: Us Takes Aim At Trade Gap To Boost Employment

UNITED STATES/CHINA By Gordon Platt Kirk: Facing key decision on trade barriers US Trade Representative Ron Kirk hailed the World Trade Organization’s dispute panel’s ruling in August against China’s system of importing and distributing books, magazines, films, DVDs, ...



NEW YORK, May 12, 2009 Global Finance magazine has released its seventh annual ranking of the Best Sub-Custodians. This exclusive...


Editor’s Letter: The Power Of One

Many watching the stock markets have been surprised or even alarmed at the surge in confidence in the past few months, a confidence that has fueled a tremendous rally in major indices around the world...


Newsmakers: Kirchners Face Uncertain Future

ARGENTINA By Antonio Guerrero Kirchner: May have to rein in her populist agenda When Cristina Kirchner won Argentina's 2007 presidential election, she was taking over the office held since 2003 by her husband, Nestor Kirchner. Observers speculated the ...


Regulars : Newsmakers : United Kingdom

While the economic crisis has demonstrated the shortcomings of “light-touch” regulation—leaving the market to virtually regulate itself—banks remain unconvinced about the benefits of a single global regulator. By Anita Hawser While the economic crisis has demonstrated the shortcomings ...


Regulars : Newsmakers : United States

China and Brazil appear to be joining forces in an attempt to unseat the dollar as the de facto global reserve currency. By Anitar Hawser According to Brazil’s central bank, the two countries are actively discussing trading with ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Newsmakers : Risk management remains undervalued

Risk management is still not considered a core strategic function at some of the world’s biggest investment houses, according to a survey by research group SimCorp StrategyLab. Despite all the talk given to the importance of risk management ...