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Editor's Letter

The Long View

Working at a modern media outlet with a website, Twitter feed and the rest of it, we at Global Finance easily get caught up in the tumult of fresh content.

Editor's Letter

Taking The Long View

In the past few weeks, world financial markets have been pervaded by a bleak vision of global growth potential.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Editor’s Letter: Two Baskets, One Currency

Our cover story this month focuses on a little-known fact: Global trade growth has slowed in recent years, and intraregional trade, especially in Asia, is becoming more prominent.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Not All Alike

In our annual special issue on emerging markets, we take a macro and regional view of the new realities (yes, more than one) that have developed over the past year. There are quite a few surprises.


Status Symbols For Safety

This issue of the magazine focuses once again on Global Finance's ranking of the Safest Banks. Not just the safest banks in the world, in the emerging markets, or the safest commercial banks, but also in each of more than 100 countries.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Making The Grade

After a summer of heavy turbulence in global financial markets, the new season starts with the seemingly endless story of when the Federal Reserve Board will raise interest rates. Although the Fed put off the move in September, the US central bank will up rates eventually, most likely at its next meeting in December. The hike will undoubtedly force some countries to shift monetary policies.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Diversification And Data

At the beginning of the summer, credit insurance company Coface issued its monthly list of upgrades and downgrades of country risk.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Renminbi | The Goal Of Convertibility

The European Union is still debating the nature of its common currency, the position of non-eurozone EU members like the UK, and the future of stressed eurozone countries like Greece. But the situation in other parts of the world is quite different.

Economics, Policy & Regulation


By deciding to devote our cover story to compliance this month we focus on a key element in the DNA of this magazine: Managing compliance is increasingly a global issue for corporates and financial institutions.